Wednesday, July 29, 2009

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

- The worrying trends that is mentioned in the article are more teenagers even as young as 14 years old and the other one is that women are caught drug trafficking since most drug dealers are using Singaporeans to smuggle drugs from one country to another or to Singapore illegally.

b) Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

- Singapore are increasingly being used as "drug mules" is because they less likely will be checked as Singapore has a reputation of being tough on drugs and Singapore do not need a visa for many places.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

- If I found out one of my friends is selling drugs, firstly I will try to advise her/him to stop selling drugs. I will inform her/him all the disadvantages of selling drugs or being involved with drugs be it, selling, smuggling or taking drugs. If she/he still refuses to listen to my advice and quit selling drugs, I will inform her parents. I know it is for her own good. As a good friend, I must help her stop selling drugs.

- If someone tries to sell me drugs, I will straight away decline his/her offer. If he/she keep disturbing me, I will inform my parents. If this get serious, I may also seek help from the police.

Friday, July 24, 2009

1. a) Why is it easy for burgles to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?

It is because, the two markets in the Kallang areas, was an easy target for burgles to break in as the units are usually open at the top while gives them a good chance. In this way, the buglers will break in as it was left exposed. Another problem is that the stall owners/holders always put their money just unattented in their stalls, thinking that it is safe. But they are wrong as the burglers/theives are very cunning and in a blink of an eye, the money is gone.

b) What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?

The Gelyang East Central Merchants' Association did held a meeting about this problem. They told relevant authorities such as the NEA and Town Council to find a way to improve the security by modifying the stall layout and design. NEA responded that stall owners can equip their stall with additional security measures such as grilles. They also wanted to make a drawing and measurements of the feature that they plan to install. But the stall owner have to pay administrative fees of $16 and a reinstatement deposit before the any work is being done.

2. What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets? What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?

I think the security must be really tight. For everyone’s safety. They must be very alert.Many of people will be going to the markets, there will be a crowd, the stall owners might not notice anything as there is a huge crowd so they have to tighten the security. I think, maybe burglars are very poor so they break in stalls. Maybe they are curious about what it feels like to break into a stall.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

1a)Why is cheer leading an expensive sport?

Ans: It is expensive because the are many things to buy and pay just to create a good cheer leading team. Firstly appearance, a cheer leading team is not a cheer leading team without a cheer leading uniform. One will have to pay quite a hefty amount of money for hair bands, rubber bands, team uniform, poms poms and much many more other accessories just to form a team. The cheer leading also requires a coach to guide them as most of them would still be freshman in the sport of cheer leading.
The team also needs to hire a dancer to choreograph their dance moves.Cheer leading may seem to be an easy and cheap sport but think again. The coach may also wants to bring them to the gym to train for their flexibility.

b)What makes cheer leading such a tough sport?

Ans: Cheer leading not also requires a fit and string body. It also requires reflex, concentration and good dance moves. One must also be flexible so that the moves could be executed with more flow and gracefulness. It takes a few months to at least learn the basics of cheer leading moves like throws and back flip. If it were me i would not choose such a sport but some people preferred to have this type of sport as it grabs alot off attention and they also want to attract guys to woo them so sometimes girls have other motive in joining cheer leading. =D

2) What is your opinion of cheer leaders? If given a chance would you join cheer leading? Why/ Why not?

Ans: Cheerleaders are people who support a school team with dance moves and cheering, it brings team spirit to the team so that they can do better. If given a chance i would never choose cheer leading as a sport! It is more of a girls sport so very little or no guys would ever want to join this kind of sport ha ha. If i would to join this sport many guys would make fun of me and i would be very embarrassed. Unless i have no pride in myself i would then consider to join cheer leading as a sport but still i prefer basketball.