Wednesday, July 29, 2009

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

- The worrying trends that is mentioned in the article are more teenagers even as young as 14 years old and the other one is that women are caught drug trafficking since most drug dealers are using Singaporeans to smuggle drugs from one country to another or to Singapore illegally.

b) Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

- Singapore are increasingly being used as "drug mules" is because they less likely will be checked as Singapore has a reputation of being tough on drugs and Singapore do not need a visa for many places.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

- If I found out one of my friends is selling drugs, firstly I will try to advise her/him to stop selling drugs. I will inform her/him all the disadvantages of selling drugs or being involved with drugs be it, selling, smuggling or taking drugs. If she/he still refuses to listen to my advice and quit selling drugs, I will inform her parents. I know it is for her own good. As a good friend, I must help her stop selling drugs.

- If someone tries to sell me drugs, I will straight away decline his/her offer. If he/she keep disturbing me, I will inform my parents. If this get serious, I may also seek help from the police.

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