Friday, July 24, 2009

1. a) Why is it easy for burgles to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?

It is because, the two markets in the Kallang areas, was an easy target for burgles to break in as the units are usually open at the top while gives them a good chance. In this way, the buglers will break in as it was left exposed. Another problem is that the stall owners/holders always put their money just unattented in their stalls, thinking that it is safe. But they are wrong as the burglers/theives are very cunning and in a blink of an eye, the money is gone.

b) What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?

The Gelyang East Central Merchants' Association did held a meeting about this problem. They told relevant authorities such as the NEA and Town Council to find a way to improve the security by modifying the stall layout and design. NEA responded that stall owners can equip their stall with additional security measures such as grilles. They also wanted to make a drawing and measurements of the feature that they plan to install. But the stall owner have to pay administrative fees of $16 and a reinstatement deposit before the any work is being done.

2. What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets? What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?

I think the security must be really tight. For everyone’s safety. They must be very alert.Many of people will be going to the markets, there will be a crowd, the stall owners might not notice anything as there is a huge crowd so they have to tighten the security. I think, maybe burglars are very poor so they break in stalls. Maybe they are curious about what it feels like to break into a stall.

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